
Showing posts from May, 2018

Tropical Plants For North Texas

Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Tropical Plants For North Texas Philodendron Passion Vine Mandevilla Ixora hibiscus Fuchsia fern Copper Plant Bougainvillea Tropical plants offer bright colored blooms and elegant foliage through the spring and summer months. Tropical plants for North Texas give us the opportunity to enjoy the exotic look of tropical paradise in your own front or backyards. Growing tropical plants can be added to almost any landscape, weather its hibiscus, bougainvillea or Mandevilla. Colorful, tropical's come in many sizes, shapes and colors. Listed below are few suggestions that would ideal for the North Texas spring and summer climates. Texas Tropical L andscaping These tropical plants thrive in full sun, but can do well with some partial shade.  Be sure to check with your garden shop or nursery specialist to confirm ideal growing conditions. Let's begin! Bougainvilleas: Bougainvilleas require good drainage and lots of sunshine. This plant produces large

49 (Lit) Ways to Make Money as a Teenager

Is making money as a teenager easy as it used to be? After all, that old standby – the newspaper route – has mostly gone into the dustbin of history. I mean…who reads newspapers anymore? smh…. Meanwhile, child labor laws have cut down on the number of jobs that young people can hold. How to make money as a teenager has become something of a matrix. You have to look for moneymaking opportunities from non-traditional sources. But that's not a problem, because there are more of them than ever before. We've come up with 49! And the only reason we stopped is because the possibilities are almost unlimited! So here are the ways to make money as a teenager that we thought were the best. We left off the usual teen job situations, like fast food restaurants, grocery stores and big-box retailers. You don't need us to tell you about ordinary jobs. Oh, and even though the opportunities are numbered, they're not in any special order. It's mostly a matter of picking which one (or